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The BBC Social

In my first video for the BBC Social I highlight some of the things non-disabled people take for granted

In my Second video for the BBC Social "Stress Doesn't go with my outfit" I emphasise the fact that it is often the case that disabled people are not given a choice around even the smallest decisions such as choosing there own outfit. 

In my third video for the BBC Social I highlight the concept of the "disability price tag" and how items are much more expensive when specifically aimed at the disability market compared to items available on the mainstream market that could still assist disabled people to live independently

In my fourth video for the BBC Social ' At least I am Normal' highlights and dispels the perception that disabled people are somehow 'abnormal' due to their disability.

In my 5th video for the BBC Social, 'There is more to me than cerebral palsy' I am highlighting that there is more to me than just my disability, it doesn't define me and I am Danielle first and foremost. 

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