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Writer's pictureyouroptionsunderst

The Year 2022 for Y.O.U and I

its that time of year again when we all reflect on the last 12 months. I haven't written a blog post for a while so now seemed as good a time as any...

However please note thatj i wont be leaving 2022 or going into 2023 as energetically as the person in the image above...mostly because my CP doesnt alow me to jump that high but also as i write this im at home with bronchitis and an ear infecton so i also literally dont have energy.

2022 for Y.O.U and I has been a rollercoaster of a year but i dont think i can remember a year, especially recently when this hasnt been the case. In my experience this comes with both adulthood and the challenges that disability often brings.

A massive high for Y.O.U was the person centred planning support the organisation provides getting some traction behind it through both the Independent Living Fund and the Dream Plan Live programoe that Y.O.U was able to establish with fvnding from the national jottery community fund. We have had the priviledge of working with a diverse group of people, all of whom have very different goals and aspirations for their future. Person centred planning has nabjed those we have supported to DREAM BIG and create a plan as to how they wIll acheive their dreams. Not only that but the person centred planning support Y.O.U provides has seen those supported grow in confidence and realie that disability shouldnt hinder their right to an 'ordinary life' with the same access to opportunities as their non disaabled peers

Y.O.U has and continues to build working relationshipp with partners and colleagues, partnerships that have opened up co-facilitation roles, opportunites to work with employers and that is only a couple of examples. Y.O.U and I are excited to see where these and other new possibilities takes us in 2023

However along with the highs and possibilities of this year came lows as well as aprehension for next year.,.lets be honest no-one knows whats around the corner.

Lows have included having to challenge local authority decisions around my self directed support budget, finding a new support provider and my circle of support becoming smaller. The latter is due to people deciding to walk out my life quite literally. Although all these situations have been challenges they have in the own way became positives.

Challenging decisions around my self directed support budget and winning the battle eventually as well a finding a new support provider are two examples of the challenges I've faced in my personal life in recent months but also are examples of what Y.O.U as an organisation stands for, promoting the rights of disabled people including to have choice and control around their support. My support circle may have become smaller but its taught me that its quality not quantity that matters and if people want to be in your life they will make time

Now with 2022 coming to a close i know with continuing support of the now aptly 'Team Danielle' Y.O.U and i will have the confidence and strength to face whatever challenges 2023 has in store.

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