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Girl Guiding - Disability Awareness Badge Pilot 


Recently Y.O.U delivered a Disability Awareness badge within the 5th Kilmarnock Brownie and Guide unit. This pilot was designed in response to the fact that disability awareness has been removed from the Girl Guiding badge program. 

The badge designed by Y.O.U offers a unique opportunity for the girls to learn from not only the lived experience of Dr Danielle Farrel, the Managing Director of Y.O.U but also to learn from others who also have lived experience of disability. To symbolise the completion of the badge, the girls who participated received one of Y.O.U's Avatar pins.

Y.O.U is now exploring ways in which to obtain funding which will assist in rolling out the badge to other girl guiding units. If you are interested in your unit being involved in this or if you work with different groups of young people who would benefit from taking part in a similar activity relating to disability awareness, please get in touch.

In the meantime, you can read the feedback from the 5th Kilmarnock Brownie and Guides below. 



1.Did the disability awareness badge help you learn more about disability?

“Yes- about different muscles”

“Using your senses”



2.What was your favourite part of completing the badge and why?

“Eating chocolate”

“Doing the smelling tasting”

“Video calling the Paralympian”



 3. What makes this badge different from others you’ve completed?


“The badge is you”

“Because it’s your job”




  1. Did the disability awareness badge help you learn more about disability    



2. What was your favourite part of completing the badge and why?


“Doing sign language because it was fun to do and practise at home”

“ Learning Sign Language – It’s interesting to learn different signs and alphabets”

“ Learning sign language”

“Tasting, smelling and feeling game”

“Learning how other people can experience things differently”

“Learning how disability affects people’s day to day lives


 3.What makes this badge different from others you’ve completed?


“It was different because it was taught by someone who experiences it and has first-hand experience”

“it’s different to every other badge as no other badge talks about different disabilities”

“It teaches us about different disabilities and how you can understand”

“More diverse”

“More discussion based”


 4.What part of completing the badge could be better and why?


“ I don’t think anything could be better, though I could’ve not been ill, so I didn’t miss some”

“having more people share experiences”

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