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Y.O.Us Training Catalogue is Officially Launched!!!

Y.O.U offers a range of training packages to suit the training needs of businesses and organisations across various sectors including the public and private sector, eduction, hospitality and travel and tourism.  However this is not an exhaustive list.

Click the document below to find out more about Y.O.Us training packages and get in touch to discuss how we can best meet your training needs


Last month Y.O.U attended the Enable Europe in Action and the Scottish Union of Supported Employment conferences.

Click Here to view our photo galleries of both conferences.  

Phase 2 of Y.O.U's Dream Plan Live Programme is Launched!!!

We're delighted to have been awarded further funding from the National Lottery Awards For All Fund. This will enable us to extend the Dream Live Programme for another 2 years. Click here to read more information about the programme and how you can express an interest in being allocated a place 

Welcome Alyson Woodhouse - Our First Associate

Click here
to learn more about Alyson, her skills and expertise and what she brings to the team


Let Y.O.U be the judge of that!

So You Think You Are Inclusive??


Click Here to find out more about how Y.O.U can assist you in ensure you are Disability Confident for both your customers and employees

Y.O.Us Person

32 Person
Centred Plans
As Of the 28th June 2024

Check out Y.O.Us person-centred planning counter to see how many people we have supported on their person-centred planning journey so far!
Help us add to it and let Y.O.U help you Dream, Plan, Live.

Click here to watch the testimonials and hear from the people and families themselves about how Y.O.U's person-centred planning support has enabled them to Dream Big and remove the barriers that disability often brings for themselves and their loved ones 

           Your Options Understood (Y.O.U)
Passionate about providing a voice for those living with a disability and being part of changing the narrative for disabled people.
We provide advocacy support for those seeking to understand rights and entitlements, as well as providing guidance to service providers that seek to deliver exceptional customer experiences to this community. 

Y.O.U believes that every disabled person should be encouraged to embrace their own identity whether that be through their appearance or how they live their life or anything else in between.

We are here to help you have choice and control over your support and to assist you in accessing the right support to live the life you want to lead.

See our What We Do page for more details

"We understand what person centred really means, and will work on what is important to you."
Dr Danielle Farrel Managing Director

Contact Us


Tel: 07938998091

Company No: SC514033

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